Using Netlify Edge functions for domain redirects

Up until recently, this website was hosted on Yes, I know what you’re thinking: “God, what a boring domain name”, and you would be absolutely right.

So I got instead, which is more cryptic, space efficient, and cool. At least one of those statements is true.

The problem

I wanted my old domain to still work, but redirect visitors to the new domain. That should be no problem, I thought, I’ll just set up a redirect in my DNS provider’s control panel. I vaguely remember such an option on most DNS/web hosting providers that I’ve used in the past, so I was surprised to find out that I couldn’t find such a feature now.

Maybe it’s not a thing anymore. 🤷

Possible solutions

One solution could be to switch to a DNS provider that supports this feature, but the one I have is pretty decent otherwise, and I don’t think I can be bothered really.

Another would be to use a service like, which uses a TXT record on your domain to configure it which I thought was clever. However, that is an external service and I don’t want to have to keep up to date with possible changes in configuration or their terms of service.

What I did instead

Netlify has very generous (free) pricing for their “edge functions”. Edge functions are basically small, serverless Deno scripts that you can run on your Netlify site, served on the Netlify CDN. This is not an ad, and there are similar options by other providers — such as Vercel and Cloudflare — I’m just using Netlify because it’s what I know. I also think that they do a great job of making deploys from git repos easy, with hardly no configuration necessary.

Anyway, the edge function is really just this tiny snippet of code:

export default async (req: Request) => {
	const url = new URL(req.url);
	const transformed = `${REDIRECT_HOST}${url.pathname}`;

	console.log(`${req.url} → ${transformed}`);

	return Response.redirect(transformed, 301);

And this configuration (netlify.toml) to use the function as a catch-all handler.

  function = "redirect"
  path = "/*"

That’s it! The entire thing. Now I just had to set up DNS entries to point to Netlify, and I was done.

Deploy it yourself

If you are interested in using this, I’ve published the code on Github. You could also use the button below to immediately deploy a copy on Netlify.

Deploy to Netlify